Business in Canada, Tips on How to Prevent Being a Cybercrime Victim
Business in Canada, Tips on How to Prevent Being a Cybercrime Victim
Cybercrime is a big threat, not just for individuals but also for businesses. Many identify cybercrime with hackers who steal financial information, but the process is far more complicated than that.

Cybercriminals are everywhere, which means this threat evolves and targets almost everyone in Canada.

Despite being on 13th positing in the list of Cybersecurity score among the countries, almost 85.7% businesses in Canada have been affected by Cyberattacks in 2021 and more than 60% got ransom threats.

Thus, it is crucial to figure out how to spot cybercrime because it's the first step to avoiding becoming a victim. This is easy when you're an individual, but the process is complicated for those running businesses in Canada. So, what steps can businesses take to mitigate the risks of cybercrime?

Since we can't survive without using the internet, this is how to prevent becoming a cybercrime victim, whether you're an individual or a business.

Stay Up-to-date on Major Security Breaches
Most business entities and individuals have different online accounts, i.e., social media accounts, merchant accounts like Kijiji, etc.

If any of these accounts are impacted by an online security breach, you need to contact the website to know the information accessed by the hackers. After that, you should immediately change your login credentials.

Take Steps to Prevent Identity Theft
Identity theft occurs when someone gets hold of your data in a way that involves deception or fraud. Usually, hackers use identity theft for economic gain. Cybercriminals can obtain your data by tricking you online to access your mail or account data.

Always guard your data when online, and a VPN (Virtual Private Network) can help you do that. You can use VPNs in Canada to secure your online data because the software adds an extra layer of protection to your connection. A VPN encrypts all data packets leaving your device or coming into your device. So, if cybercriminals happen to intercept these data packets, they'll find nothing but encrypted data.

Don't Reuse Passwords
Many people, including those running businesses, working in offices, or even at home, have a master password for all accounts. Businesses or people who reuse passwords make it easy for cybercriminals to hack their accounts. The solution here is to start changing all your passwords.

Remember to use a combination of upper case, lowercase, special characters, and numbers and keep the passwords long. This makes it super hard for hackers to penetrate an SSL encryption. A long password with all the special additions might be hard to remember, so you need to write them down in a book.

Make Use of Permanent File Deleting Software
Companies handle lots of sensitive data and files that should not be allowed to land in the hands of cybercriminals. Such files can bring a company down since they contain information about their accounts or clients.

Some cybercriminals use sensitive company information for blackmail, hurting their financial accounts. Employees should, therefore, learn how to delete company files permanently. Instead of the normal delete into the recycle bin, use a digital shredder that deletes files permanently.

Keep Your Software Updated
Your operating systems and internet security software should always be up-to-date. Cybercriminals can easily get into internet devices with outdated software or without internet security software.

Software updates are important because they fix all the bugs and flaws hackers use to access online devices or office networks. Frequently updating your operating systems, even on every PC or MAC device on your network, including the server, is a great way of blocking the vulnerabilities.

Use a Credible Antivirus
Never use free antivirus in your business because cybercriminals can easily bypass their firewalls. Some will say that any antivirus is better than none, but that's not the way to go because it can lead you to choose the free option.

Choose a proper antivirus that protects your business entity against viruses and different types of malware. A good antivirus offers real-time protection against current and new malware, including viruses and ransomware. It also safeguards your private financial information every time you're online.

Talk to Your Employees About the Internet
Employees need to know that some sites are out of bounds while in the office. Various websites are loaded with malware and ransomware that can infiltrate your entire network within seconds.

Teaching your employees acceptable internet use while in the office is better than blocking websites. Your employees should contact the IT department immediately if they experience any kind of abnormality online.

Know What to do If You Become a Victim
If you believe your organization has become a victim of cybercrime, you need to contact Canada's National Police Force. This is an important step even if the crime appears minor. Your report will assist the authorities in their investigations in stopping these online criminals from attacking other companies.
Final Thoughts
The internet allows companies to run more efficiently. It also comes in handy when targeting new contacts and running crucial marketing campaigns.

Working online presents new challenges like attacks from cybercriminals. However, our tips can help you and your business data from falling into the hands of hackers. Stay safe by following our recommendations and beware of any suspicious online activity.

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