PDF - Vulnerabilities, Exploits and Malwares |
Dhanesh |
Many people don't consider PDF files as a possible threat and oh,
well I agree to them(!). It is not the PDF files but the rendering
softwares we have to be afraid of. If you think I am referring to
those Adobe Reader 0-days popping up periodically, hell yeah, you
are RIGHT!. We are going to talk about PDF files, few Adobe Reader
vulnerabilities, exploits and malwares that comes along with it ;)
files are binary files with proper formatting and looks like a
collection of objects. You can open a PDF file in a text editor or
hex editor to view it's object structure. |
As you can see PDF files start with a magic header
or %%PDF followed by the spec version number. From next line onwards you can see
a pattern emerging, like [obj][data][endobj]. Well, this is the
collection of object thing I said earlier. Each object is identified by
an ID and a version number. 41 0 obj represents object 41 version 0. You
can look into
PDF specs for better understanding of the file architecture. You
don't have to understand every details of the spec, but you can
specifically look into streams, encodings, java script implementations,
acro forms etc.
Before going further, I would like to explain a
little more about streams. Streams are used to store data(images, text,
java scripts etc) and to make it efficient PDF allows us to use
compression and encoding techniques like Flate/LZW/RLE
etc. |
Manual analysis of PDF is tricky and gets messy and using just
plain text/hex editor for understanding the true content of PDF! will
take you nowhere. As a programmer I can't ignore this challenge and I
made a tool PDF Analyzer to solve this issue. I will
use PDF Analyzer throughout this post but you won't be
able to get it as it is still in private build (I will release
it soon ;) ).
For now you guys have other options, both commercial
and freeware tools are available. I will post some links here. |
PDF Dissector by zynamics - commercial
PDF Stream Dumper by Dave
- freeware
Various python PDF parsers from Didier Stevens and inREVERSE
guys - freeware (search!)
PDF Analyzer is made in C# with only 3
external libraries,
zlib (I should have used GZipStream with 2 byte header hack),
BeaEngine (Thanks
BeatriX) and
JSBeautifier (I ported 95% of code from js to C#). I spent around
2 weeks of free time on it. It may not be the fastest PDF parser,
but it can handle every ill formatted PDF I have in my repository
;). |
Adobe reader's top vulnerabilities come
from Adobe specific javascript APIs. This gives us a chance to
disable javascript and protect us from any of those javascript based
exploits. Disabling javascript is crucial but it doesn't fix
vulnerabilities from other parts of Adobe Reader such as embedded
image files and flash files.
Now we will look into some of
the malware samples which exploits these vulnerabilities. You can
find malware sample from many security blogs and I must thank two of
my friends who sent a big archive of malware PDFs for analysis and
testing :) . |
This particular sample splits javascript
into three streams and concatenates them using <</Names[(1)6 0 R
(2)7 0 R (3)8 0 R]>> which will eventually refer to three objects
marked in red. After beautification, it seems it is exploiting one
vulnerability existed in Adobe Reader namely
this.media.newPlayer(null). |
It is essentially spraying heap with NOP sled and shellcode and
calling the vulnerable function. The shellcode present here is a
dropper/downloader, you can dump it to a file and use IDA to
disassemble it.
Another PDF file which exploits
util.printf is given below.
Again you can dump shellcode and
disassemble with IDA. Another option is to use PDF Analyzers
unescape functionality to directly disassemble the shell code. |
Disassembly starts with pretty straight forward steps to find
base address via delta calculation(call - pop - sub). Then it
fetches kernel32 base from
PEB(fs[0x30])->Ldr.InInitOrder[0].base_address. This will be used to
eventually load other modules and APIs.
Malware writers use multiple techniques to protect their payload.
Techniques involves obfuscation, multiple and multi-level usage of
encoding/compression schemes.
If any of you guys have samples that uses multi-level encoding,
please send them to me
, I would like to test those with PDF Analyzer.
I will conclude the exploit samples by posting the latest exploit
for the vulnerability
printSeps. This code is taken from the PDF posted in
full disclosure list.
Evil actions of PDF malwares varies from
regular password stealer to rootkits. Once you have attained
arbitrary code execution, rest will be just imagination of malware
writer. As malware writers are mainly targeting Adobe Reader, try to
shift to other PDF rendering software or at least update to latest
version. There are free PDF readers like Sumatra or
GhostScript, try
those out and always be cautious when opening a PDF file !